Ronnie Landfield

(American, born 1947)

shubert by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Shubert, 1972

Price on Request

journey to the east by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Journey To The East, 1994

Price on Request

what gaugin said by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

What Gaugin Said, 2000

Price on Request

fire in our hearts by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Fire In Our Hearts, 1990

Price on Request

alberta by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Alberta, 1991

Price on Request

jack of hearts by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Jack of Hearts, 1979

Price on Request

spirit rising: green river 2 by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Spirit Rising: Green River 2, 1972

Price on Request

searching for gold by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Searching for Gold, 2008

Price on Request

rain and the wind by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Rain and the Wind, 2005

Price on Request

towards a brighter light by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Towards a Brighter Light, 1991

Price on Request

cross the divide by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Cross The Divide, 2009

Price on Request

across the missouri by ronnie landfield

Ronnie Landfield

Across the Missouri, 1994

Price on Request



Born Bronx, New York
1962 - 1965
Kansas City Art Institute
San Francisco Art Institute
The Art Students League, NYC and Woodstock NY
Gold Medal for painting, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California
The William and Noma Copley (Cassandra) Foundation Award for Art.
National Endowment for the Arts, Invitational Residency, Clayworks Studio Workshop, New York
Represented by the Salander/O'Reilly Galleries, NYC
Pollock/Krasner Foundation Grant
Currently resides New York City


CONTINUUM, Stephen Haller Gallery, New York
Confluence, Stephen Haller Gallery, New York, NY
Abstraction, Charles Cowles Gallery, New York, NY
Art Hamptons International Art Fair
LewAllen Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Constant Aesthetic, Stephan Haller Gallery, New York, NY
Annual Faculty Exhibition, Art Students League, New York, NY (1995-2008)
Toward Monochrome, Heidi Cho Gallery New York, NY (solo)
Ronnie Landfield: Paintings from Five Decades, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH (solo)
Inaugural Exhibition, Jacobson/Howard Gallery, New York, NY


The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection catalogue
Process, Image and Elegy, Saul Ostrow, ART IN AMERICA, April, 2008
At the Galleries, Karen Wilkin, THE HUDSON REVIEW (60th anniversary edition), Spring 2008
Counterpoints: Art Gallery Chronicle, James Pinero, THE NEW CRITERION, Feb. 2008
Introduction, Dr. Louis A. Zona; Landfield’s Illuminations, Dr. Robert C. Morgan; Seeking the Miraculous, L.J., EXHIBITION CATALOGUE FOR RONNIE LANDFIELD: PAINTINGS FROM FIVE DECADES, THE BUTLER INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN ART
Color Coded: Ronnie Landfield & Peter Reginato at Heidi Cho Gallery, Eric Gelber, ARTCRITICAL.COM, November 2005
Channeling Abstraction, John Haber, HABERARTS.COM, Fall 2005
Reinterpretting Landscape, Jeanne McCarthy, ZING MAGAZINE, Winter 2004
Dan Christensen & Ronnie Landfield at Salander-O'Reilly, Eleanor Heartney, ART IN AMERICA, February, 2001