Keith Tyson (Gana Art Center)

Keith Tyson (Gana Art Center)

97 Pyungchang-dong Seoul, South Korea Friday, November 16, 2007–Sunday, December 2, 2007

Keith Tyson Solo Exhibition
November 16 - December 2, 2007

Gana Art Gallery is opening the first solo exhibition in Korea of a British artist, Keith Tyson, who has won the prestigious Turner Prize.

Keith Tyson, born in Ulberston, U.K. in 1969, studied engineering in Barrow-in- Furness College of Engineering and also majored in art in Carlisle College of Art. Having this unusual educational background, the artist attracted attention with his installations at Venice Biennale. He has come into the spotlight worldwide, opening exhibitions in world-class museums and galleries such as Tate Modern Museum, Kunsthalle Zurich, and Louisiana Museum for Modern Art.

Starting from mathematical formulas and scientific inquiries, the artist is creating various forms of works through ceaseless attempts and observations. This exhibition introduces the works from which one can feel the visual energy of the actual moment of operation, such as, Nature Painting, a marblelike picture plane achieved by mixed paints of various colors on aluminum plate, Studio Wall Drawing where the artist has drawn his own feelings and experiences on the walls of studio, and Geno/Pheno Painting, originated from the genetic experiment of Genotype and Phenotype.

Our eyes tend to judge things before actually seeing them, or not to understand them as seen. We are apt to judge from the facts already known and experienced. However, this exhibition will present an opportunity to appreciate the artist's enthusiastic world of creation as well as Conceptual Art as they really are.