Elizabeth Talford Scott

(American, 1916–2011)

birthday quilt by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Birthday Quilt, 1994

Price on Request

untitled by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Untitled, ca. 1990


covered wagon by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Covered Wagon, 1983

Price on Request

birthday by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Birthday, 1997


fifty year quilt by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Fifty Year Quilt, 1930–1980

Not for Sale

abstract 27 by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Abstract 27, 1993

Price on Request

save the babies by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Save the Babies, 1992


bits and pieces by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Bits and Pieces, 1995

Price on Request

my dreams by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

My Dreams, 1987–1998


both sides now (turncoat) by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Both Sides Now (Turncoat), 1986–1989

Price on Request

stamp #2 by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Stamp #2, ca. 1990

Price on Request

flower garden by elizabeth talford scott

Elizabeth Talford Scott

Flower Garden, 1989




Born in South Carolina