Lillian Hoover: Holding Space

Lillian Hoover: Holding Space

3000 Chestnut Avenue Studio 214Baltimore, MD 21211, USA Wednesday, January 10, 2018–Friday, March 2, 2018 Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

what we're able (and what we choose) to see by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

What we're able (and what we choose) to see, 2017–2018

Price on Request

what is withdrawn by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

What is withdrawn, 2017–2018

Price on Request

torn by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

Torn, 2017–2018

Price on Request

the attempt is what matters by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

The attempt is what matters, 2017–2018

Price on Request

sedimentary preservation by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

Sedimentary preservation, 2017–2018

Price on Request

sanctuary by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

Sanctuary, 2017–2018

Price on Request

gather by lillian bayley hoover

Lillian Bayley Hoover

Gather, 2017–2018
