Jacques Fléchemuller: Call My Mom

Jacques Fléchemuller: Call My Mom

101 Second Avenue, #1 New York, NY, USA Thursday, October 25, 2001–Saturday, November 24, 2001

Gracie Mansion Gallery is proud to announce an exhibition of new works by Jacques Fléchemuller.

Fléchemuller's recent works provide the spectator with a pleasant perfume of frivolity carried in on a welcome breeze of irony and humor. As such, the All New Fléchemuller gives real refreshment - in times when the human race has been forced to take itself seriously.

In fact, Fléchemuller is, above all, a visual hijacker. The word is totally taboo these days, but here it is the creative and intelligent opposite of the evil and destructive forces that currently haunt us all. Fléchemuller hijacks images that he stumbles across and processes them in the feverish glasshouse of his own creatively curious mind. It often comes as a relief to be allowed to laugh at our species, and at the artist with a brain singular enough to have made these images.

These paintings revel in their own painterliness but find themselves propelled into a parallel hemisphere by the presence of some incongruous detail: a child with too much body hair or an animal with an expression that is too human for anyone's good. Fléchemuller's photographs achieve the same delicate balance, most frequently by the introduction of dubious texts in unexpected places.

In this spirit, Fléchemuller remains the master of the incongruous - making serious art with frivolous intent.

– Alun Williams