LA Art Show

LA Art Show

Guarisco Gallery Ltd. 1120 22nd Street, N.W. Washington, DC, USA Wednesday, January 15, 2014–Sunday, January 19, 2014

LA Art Show 2014

Guarisco Gallery is primarily known for its museum-quality 19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, but will present Modern and Contemporary works along side its traditional inventory at the LA Art Show in January 2014.

“We haven’t exhibited in LA in nearly 10 years,” said gallery director Nurit Einik, “and we are excited to offer a broad range of works in keeping with our expertise and the evolving tastes of the modern collector.” The gallery will offer works by artists spanning in style from Georges d’Espagnat to Madeleine Berly-Vlaminck and Jean-Pierre Cassigneul.

This shift will also coincide with the opening of an additional gallery space located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., devoted to Modern and Contemporary artists working in sympathetic modes to that of the founding Impressionist artists Guarisco Gallery is known to carry. This is a homecoming of sorts, as the gallery called the space next to the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown home for nearly 25 years. The gallery will continue to carry top tier works by Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Barbizon, and Genre artists in its current space next to the Ritz-Carlton in Northwest D.C. With this addition, Guarisco Gallery will be able to offer a more comprehensive array of art work to their international clientele. The new space is set to open in the Spring of 2014.

Guarisco Gallery can be found at booth 401 in the Modern section of the LA Art Show.

For more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with Caitlin Berry, please call (202) 333-8533 or email [email protected].