Zeng Fanzhi: In The Studio

Zeng Fanzhi: In The Studio

Hauser & Wirth 23 Savile RowLondon, W1S 2ET, United Kingdom Tuesday, October 2, 2018–Saturday, November 10, 2018

Conceived as a single exhibition spanning three locations in Zurich, London and Hong Kong, Hauser & Wirth is delighted to present ‘Zeng Fanzhi. In the Studio’. The unifying theme of these presentations is Zeng’s investigations into the possibilities of painting in the contemporary era. The exhibition is reflective of a multi-layered approach since the artist works concurrently on several series. As a result a perpetual dialogue, between abstraction and representation across histories and cultures, is at the core of his practice.

The exhibition allows viewers the opportunity to gain an unprecedented and in-depth understanding of the bold development of the artist’s creative process as each locale features new works which have not been previously exhibited. In Zurich the exhibition features abstract landscapes from the last two years; in London the focus is portraiture from the late 1980s to the present day; and in Hong Kong new paintings and drawings deftly draw on conjunctions of Oriental and Western artistic traditions reflecting Zeng’s ongoing research and experimentation.