Anton Kannemeyer - Gathering Evidence

Anton Kannemeyer - Gathering Evidence

36 avenue Matignon Paris, 75008, France Friday, September 24, 2021–Saturday, October 30, 2021 Opening Reception: Thursday, September 23, 2021, 11 a.m.–8 p.m.

raw deal by anton kannemeyer

Anton Kannemeyer

Raw deal, 2019

6,000 EUR

post racial white by anton kannemeyer

Anton Kannemeyer

Post Racial White, 2020

4,500 EUR

extinction by anton kannemeyer

Anton Kannemeyer


13,000 EUR

self-portrait: wrong side of history by anton kannemeyer

Anton Kannemeyer

Self-Portrait: Wrong Side of History, 2021

2,000 EUR

Anton Kannemeyer applies pressure where it hurts; he scratches, and he stings.

For over thirty years, the works of this South African artist, co-founder of the magazine Bitterkomix, have made for uncomfortable viewing, shaking us out of our complacency and raising the question of what artistic creation is really for.

Closeting himself away like a monk (a laughing monk) in his cell, Kannemayer exposes the absurdity of the stereotypes we so readily embrace. Confronting issues such as racism and prejudice head on, he forces us to look where others avert their gaze, systematically challenging – with both rigour and gusto – the vacuousness of our age and denouncing the levelling down that inevitably flows from the excesses of the “cancel culture”.  

Huberty & Breyne first began collaborating with Anton Kannemayer in 2018 and is delighted to be hosting the first gallery exhibition of the artist’s work in France.

The gallery’s main display area will be devoted to works on canvas and paper, with the first floor reserved for informed adult viewing of a series of drawings co-produced with Kannemayer’s friend Conrad Botes and published by La 5e Couche in L'art érotique d'Anton Kannemeyer et Conrad Botes.