Marine Hugonnier

(French, born 1969)

(glasgow herald – moon landing – 21/07/69 glasgow herald – moon departing – 22/07/69) by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

(Glasgow Herald – Moon Landing – 21/07/69 Glasgow Herald – Moon Departing – 22/07/69), 2018

Price on Request

art for modern architecture (new york times – moon landing – 21/07/69 & izvestiya – moon landing – 21/07/69) by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Art For Modern Architecture (New York Times – Moon Landing – 21/07/69 & Izvestiya – Moon Landing – 21/07/69), 2018

Price on Request

art for modern architecture
: granma – fidel castro’s mourning. november 26,27,28,29,30 and december 1,2,3,4, 2016 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Art For Modern Architecture
: Granma – Fidel Castro’s Mourning. November 26,27,28,29,30 and December 1,2,3,4, 2016, 2018

Price on Request

pan am hawaii / housed in san jose, california - 27.04.2015 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Pan Am Hawaii / Housed in San Jose, California - 27.04.2015, 2019

Price on Request

pan am south america / housed in leeds, england - 22.08.2017 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Pan Am South America / Housed in Leeds, England - 22.08.2017, 2019

Price on Request

pan am argentina / housed in detroit, michigan - 12.03.2010 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Pan Am Argentina / Housed in Detroit, Michigan - 12.03.2010, 2019

Price on Request

roselend, 6 octobre 1903 / roselend, 6 octobre 1903, 18:50, 1903 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Roselend, 6 Octobre 1903 / Roselend, 6 Octobre 1903, 18:50, 1903, 2020

Price on Request

a. abadamal aumnel / marine hugonnier pomegranate / grenade, 1869 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

A. Abadamal Aumnel / Marine Hugonnier Pomegranate / Grenade, 1869, 2020

Price on Request

pan am usa / housed in london, england - 12.03.2010 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Pan Am USA / Housed in London, England - 12.03.2010, 2019

Price on Request

j.p. viconsta / marine hugonnier, view of chile / chile's acidic soil medium, 1979 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

J.P. Viconsta / Marine Hugonnier, View of Chile / Chile's Acidic Soil Medium, 1979, 2020

Price on Request

pan am usa / housed in chicago, illinois - 11.05.2010 by marine hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier

Pan Am USA / Housed in Chicago, Illinois - 11.05.2010, 2019

Price on Request



Born Paris, France
1991 - 1993
Bachelor of Philosophy, Tolbiac University, Paris, France
1993 - 1995
Master of Anthropology, Nanterre University, Paris, France
Fresnoy Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Lille, France
Delfina Studio Trust, Residency, London, UK
Villa Medicis Hors les Murs, Fellowship AFAA, France
Lives and works in London, UK


Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2015:

Nameless Here for Evermore, Khoj International Artists' Association, New Delhi, India
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2014:

A Abelha, o Papagaio e a Onça, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo, Brasil (solo exhibition)

Apicula Enigma, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, UK (solo exhibition)

Films works: Marine Hugonnier, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Seoul, Korea (solo exhibition)

The First International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Cartagena de Indias #1: Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Speaking Through Paint: Hans Hoffman’s Legacy Today, Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York

La Miranda comprometida, Fundación Francisco Godia, Barcelona, Spain

Transat projects, Caen, France

Outside In, FRAC Aauitaine, Bordeaux, France

The Militant Image, Camera Austria Graz, Austria

Cultural cartographies- Mapping Man Made interventions in Contemporary Landscapes, UMOCA- Utah Museum of Contemporary Arts, Salt Lake City, USA

Oracular/Vernacular, Mamo Centre dart de la Cité Radieuse, Marseille, France

Collection IX. Arco Collection, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, Spain

Coletiva de Verão, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo, Brasil

Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2013:

Apparent Positions: Ariana, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK (solo exhibitions)

Billboard for Edinburgh, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland (solo exhibitions)

Apicula Enigma, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain (solo exhibitions)

Contour 2013, 6th Biennial of Moving Image, Mechelen, Belgium

Collection: Recent Acquisitions and Incorporations, CGAC - Centro

Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Incomparable (h)istories, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebástian, Spain

Planos de Expansão, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo, Brasil

Oracular/Vernacular, Mamo Centre dart de la Cité Radieuse, Marseille, France

Because the world is round it turns me on, Arratia Beer Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Counter-Production (Part 2), Index Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2012:

Performances da Abstração, Galeria Luciana Brito, São Paulo, Brasil

Unfinished Journeys, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway

Counter-Production, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria

Poule!, Fundación/Colección Jumex, Mexico City, Mexico

ART AND PRESS, ZKM Centre for the Moving Image, Karlsruhe; Martin Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany

Lost Sites, Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporaneo, Pamplona, Spain

Collage, Espace de l’Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, France

Explorers, Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Puteaux, France

Shock of the News, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA

Not surprisingly, he is wearing gloves, Eastside Projects, Birmingham, UK

Una mirada múltiple. Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, 11th Havana Biennial, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba

Disrupt – Marine Hugonnier and Taha Belal, Highlight Gallery, San Francisco, USA
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2011:

Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain (solo exhibition)

Common Consciousness, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo, Brasil (solo exhibition)

Fig. 2: Studies of a Collection, The David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK

With and Without Painting, Summer Show, Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK

Out of Storage III, MUDAM, Luxembourg

Historias de A. Obras de La Colección Jumex, Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico

We Will Live, We Will See, 176 Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK

I Am Still Alive: Politics and Everyday Life in Contemporary Drawing, MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA

Photomonth Festival, Krakow, Poland

Somewhere in Between: Hypotheses and drifting, with or without photographs 1850- 2010, Galerie Michele Chomette, Paris, France

1979, Palau de La Virreina- Centre de la Image, Barcelona, Spain
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2010:

Works on Paper, Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK (solo exhibition)

The shadow of speech, MACBA Collection, MACBA Barcelona, Spain; National Museum of contemporary art (MOCA) Seoul, South Korea

ESPECTRAL, CGAC – Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Memories of the Future, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, USA

Travelling Show, Jumex Collection, Mexico City, Mexico

Last Ride In A Hot Air Balloon, The 4th Auckland Triennial, Auckland, New Zealand

Modernologies, Warsaw Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland

The Science of Imagination, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary

Studies and Theory, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2009:

FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France (solo exhibition)

Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden (solo exhibition)

Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain (solo exhibition)

Villa Romana, Florence, Italy (solo exhibition)

Kunstverein, Braunschweig, Germany (solo exhibition)

Summertime; or close-ups of places we’ve (never) been, Walter and McBean Galleries, SFAI, San Francisco, USA

Dans l’abîme du Temps; Oeuvres du Frac Lorraine, Musée départemental d’art ancien et contemporain Épinal, Ville d’Épinal, France

Time as Matter, MACBA - Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Obsession for Collection, University of Gloucestershire, Summerfield Gallery, Cheltenham, UK

Modernologies, MACBA - Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria

Beehive on a Stick, Artists Space, New York, USA

There is no(w) Romanticism, Galerie Les Filles Du Calvaire, Bruxelles, Belgium

Then the Work Takes Place, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria

Tabakalera, San Sebastian, Spain

A question of Evidence, Thyssen Bornemisza Foundation, Vienna, Austria
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2008:

Musée D’Art Moderne et Contemporain MAMCO, Geneva, Switzerland (solo exhibition)

Max Wigram Gallery, Temporary Exhibition Space, London, UK (solo exhibition)

Pipe, Glass, Bottle of Rum: The Art of Appropriation, Paul J. Sachs Drawing Galleries, MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Cancelled, Erased and Removed, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, USA

Landscapes: Contemporary Aspects of Orientalism, British Council, Spring Gardens, London, UK

Always Begins by Degrees, The Common Guild, Glasgow, Scotland

Relíquias & Ruínas, SESC Avenida Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil

Territorial Phantom, Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Paraisos Indomitos (Untamed Paradises), CAAC, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville; MARCO - Museum of Contemporary Art, Vigo, Spain

Badlands, MASS MOCA, Massachuettes, USA

Group Show, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria

Panoramicas, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico

A Question of Evidence, T-B A21, Vienna, Austria

Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2007:

S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent, Belgium (solo exhibition)

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA (solo exhibition)

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy (solo exhibition)

Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland (solo exhibition)

With Mattias Fayos, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland (solo exhibition)

(solo exhibition)

Beyond the country: Perspectives of the land in historic and contemporary art, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, University College, Cork, Ireland

Mediterraneo(s), Centre D’Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain

52nd International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy

Pensée Sauvage (On Freedom), Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt A/M, Germany

Echo Room, Alcalá 31, Madrid, Spain

Entre Fronteiras (Between Borders), MARCO – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Vigo, Spain

Relíquas & Ruínas, Goethe-Institut, Cultural Telemar, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

I looked out my window, Project 88, Mumbai, India
Marine Hugonnier Selected Exhibitions in 2006:

The Restoration Project, Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK(solo exhibition)

Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (solo exhibition)

Highlights from the KunstFilmBiennale Köln in Berlin, Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany

A Tale of Two Cities: Busan-Seoul/Seoul-Busan, the Contemporary Art Exhibition, Busan Biennale 2006, Busan, South Korea

Ecotopia, Triennial, International Centre of Photography, New York, USA

Pre-Emptive, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Public Collections

Inhotim, Brumadinho, MG, Brazil
Fondation pour la MAN, Luxembourg
Collection La Gaia, Busca, Italy
Fonds National d’Art Contemporain (FNAC), Paris, France
Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Fondation Serralves, Porto, Portugal
Musée d’art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (ARC), Paris, France
Arts Council of England, UK
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
BSI Collection, Lugano, Switzerland


Marine Hugonnier, The Guardian Guide, March 13th- March 19th 2010, pp 39
Sabine Breitwieser, Cornelia Klinger, Walter D. Mignolo, Marine Hugonnier, Modernologies, MACBA, Barcelona, 2009, pp.106-111
Marine Hugonnier, What to see this month, Art Review, September 2009, pp 36
Stuart Home, Exhibitions, Art Monthly July-August 2008, p.3
Marine Hugonnier: Narrazione e Geografia, Serena De Dominicis, Arte E Critica 56, Sept-Nov
Venice Revisited; Robert Storr responds to his critics, Artforum, Jan 2008, Letters, pp48-60
C’est Triste Venise; Letters, Jessica Morgan, Artforum Feb 2008, pp51-53
Paraisos Indomitos; Fundacion MARCO, 2008, pp66-69
Lars Bang Larsen, Ways of Seeing, Frieze, May 2008
Barbara Basting, Vom gar nicht unschuldigen Panoramablick, 15th November 2007,


Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2014:

43rd International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam

Hackney picture house, London

Le p’tit Ciné, Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium

Courtisane Festival, Ghent, Belgium

Next international film festival, Bucharest, Romania

Lo schermo dell’arte film festival, Florence, Italy

European Media Art Festivalm Osnabrueck, Osnabruck, Germany
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2013:

Travelling Amazonia, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart

Ariana, Dharamshala Film Festival, Dharamshala,

Apicula Enigma, CPH:DOX Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Copenhagen

The Last Tour, part of Start Marking Sense!, HEAD – Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design, Geneva, 12th March
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2012:

Territory I, II, III, MUSAC- Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, Spain
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2011:

Geography is used, first, to make war, Le Peuple qui Manque, Cinéma des Cinéastes, Paris, France

Borders, Displacement, and Creation. Questioning the Contemporary, Fundação Serralves, Porto, Portugal

Anthology Film Archives, New York, USA

Vol.1, Lewisham Art House, London, UK
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2010:

The Secretary of the Invisible, WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan

The Last Tour, Faux Dox’ at Hot Springs 19th Documentary Film Festival, Arizona, USA

The Last Tour, Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, Glasgow, Scotland

The Trilogy, INIVA, London, UK
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2009:

Film Programme: Modernity and After, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain

Prospectif Cinema, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2008:

The Secretary of the Invisible, The Visible and the Invisible, Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brasil

Territory I (White Lies), CCCB, Barcelona, Spain

The Trilogy, Cinéma du Réel, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

Ariana, Black Movie Festival, exhibition and screening, Forde, Geneva

The Trilogy, Ambulante Film Festival (travelling to 9 cities in Mexico)

The Secretary of the Invisible, Pointligneplan, Paris, France
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2007:

Travelling Amazonia, International Electronic Art Festival, SESC Videobrasil, São Paulo, Brasil

Ariana, Cambridge Film Festival 2007, Cambridge, UK

Travelling Amazonia, Scanners: The 2007 New York Video Festival, Lincoln Center, New York, USA

Travelling Amazonia, pointligneplan au Mac/Val, Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de Marne, Paris, France
Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2006:

The Trilogy, Point Ligne, la FEMIS (National Cinema School), Paris, France

Travelling Amazonia, FID Marseille at the French Cultural Center, Hanoi, Vietnam

Travelling Amazonia, 7th Seoul Film Festival, South Korea

Travelling Amazonia, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Spain

The Trilogy, IFC Center, New York, USA

Travelling Amazonia, FID Marseille 2006 - International Documentary Film Festival, Marseille, France

Travelling Amazonia, Expresion en corto - International Film Festival, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

The Trilogy (in conversation with Mark Nash), National Film Theatre, London, UK

Marine Hugonnier Selected Screenings in 2005:

Territory I, II, III, Artimage – 7th Graz Biennial on Media and Architecture, Graz, Austria

Territory I, II, III, CPH:DOX Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Last Tour, The Black Box, Cologne Art, cologne, Germany

Territory I, II, III, Doclisboa - III International Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal

The Last Tour, KunstFilmBiennale Köln, Cologne, Germany

Territory I, II, III, 6th Seoul Net & Film Festival, Seoul, South Korea

Territory I, II, III, Etats Généraux du Film Documentaire, Lussas, France

Territory I, II, III, 58th Locarno International Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland

Territory I, II, III, FIDMarseille 2005 - International Documentary Film Festival, Marseille, France