100 Watts: Jim Watt Presents 100 Watercolors for Spring

100 Watts: Jim Watt Presents 100 Watercolors for Spring

501 W. 23rd Street New York, NY 10011, USA Friday, May 22, 2020–Saturday, June 20, 2020

Spring has always been about new beginnings, the smell of magnolias and lilacs, migrating birds, optimism, love, hope, youth and, of course, baseball.  This spring, however, as the lilacs and magnolias gloriously bloom and the beautiful birds migrate north, we seem to desperately cling to love and hope and optimism, fearful of the unknown while socially distanced and isolated. And, there is no baseball.  

The artist Jim Watt has taken his own optimism and is creating a visual record of our present time replete with love, hope and possibilities. This Spring, throughout the quarantine, as a kind of ritualistic exercise he is painting 100 dreamy, meditative watercolors as his contribution to our new collective psyche. Let these be a small but rich addition to the slow, steady return of our lives. The final painting will be completed on June 19th, the last official day of spring. As Watt fills his studio walls with his 9 x 12" paintings, they will become available for sale. Each painting is $350 framed. Check out our catalogue for a closer look and stay tuned on Instagram for daily updates.

"Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night." –Rainer Maria Rilke