HOPE: Robert Indiana, January 15, 2009

HOPE: Robert Indiana, January 15, 2009

New York, NY, USA Thursday, January 15, 2009–Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jim Kempner Fine Art is pleased to present HOPE, Pop artist Robert Indiana’s long awaited follow up masterpiece to his classic LOVE. HOPE will be unveiled in New York at Jim Kempner Fine Art on Thursday January 15, 2009 at 2:30 pm. This six foot stainless steel HOPE had its debut in front of the Democratic National Convention in Denver last August under high security and was closed to the public; this will be the sculpture’s first open to public viewing. An instant classic, HOPE was the subject of over 1,000,000,000 Internet hits, was syndicated internationally with keynote appearances in the Washington Post, USA Today and The Miami Herald and featured in Art In America. The exhibit will also include variations of the HOPE image on canvas and on paper.

In gestation for over a decade, HOPE was brought to fruition to help elect Barack Obama and raised over $500,000 for the Obama campaign. It was used effectively as a visible tool in such important states as Pennsylvania [where a LOVE sculpture presides over Philadelphia], Indiana, Denver, Virginia and Maine. As such, HOPE stands as perhaps one of the most important connections between art and politics ever conceived by an American artist. Most importantly though, HOPE names the new generation, emblazing them with a positive catch-phase that has already circled the globe with stops at The Jon Stewart Show, Bill Maher, CBS-News, CNN, ABC-TV, MTV and numerous others.

As part of the Inaugural Hope Exhibition, a special performance entitled HOPE: AMERICAN DREAMERS has been conceived and choreographed by Teresa Smith. This short work is a piece of what will be a major work with sets and costumes by Robert Indiana, music by Will I AM, a film by Kevin Chapados and spoken word by various artists.

For more information on the artist or event, please contact the gallery.