"New Hope for American Art" is the most comprehensive book ever published on artists from and surrounding the New Hope art colony (also known as the Pennsylvania Impressionists). This book which is 612 pages with over 1000 color plates, shows only fine examples from over 50 private, corporate and museum collections. The book contains 165 individual artist chapters by works of The Pennsylvania Impressionists, Philadelphia Ten, and New Hope Modernists including: Daniel Garber, Edward Redfield, George Sotter, Arthur Meltzer, Robert Spencer, William Lathrop, Kenneth Nunamaker, John Folinsbee, Henry Snell, W.F. Taylor, Fern Coppedge, M. E. Price, Clarence Johnson, S George Phillips, Rae Sloan Bredin, Walter Baum, Morgan Colt, Charles Rosen, Meierhans, Ramsey, Stone, Evans, Zenk....... It also includes important information on collecting, values and opportunities, and helpful charts showing appreciation and past performance at auction by these artists. An invaluable tool to help train the collector's eye.