Joan Hernández Pijuan

(Spanish, 1931–2005)

paisatge 1 by joan hernández pijuan

Joan Hernández Pijuan

Paisatge 1, 1974

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acotació 0-81-100-243 by joan hernández pijuan

Joan Hernández Pijuan

Acotació 0-81-100-243, 1974

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acotacions sobre negre i by joan hernández pijuan

Joan Hernández Pijuan

Acotacions sobre negre I, 2002

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limits by joan hernández pijuan

Joan Hernández Pijuan

LIMITS, 1997

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Born in Barcelona, Spain
1945 - 1947
School of arts Llotja, Barcelona, Spain
1952 - 1956
Studied at Saint Jordi Barcelona, Spain
Prize of the national exhibition in Alicante; stays in Paris, studies at the 'Ecole des Beaux Arts' in Paris, works with etchings and lithographs
Produces Action Paintings in black and white
First Prize for painting of the 'Primer Salón de Jazz', Granollers/Barcelona
1964 - 1965
Zinklithogafie Series Barcelona, Spain
Pijuan replaces his gesticular paintings by geometric and a precise way of painting
The landscape as coloured space becomes a motive and source of inspiration
Teaches at the 'Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Sant Jordi', Barcelona


The Measurement of Time, the Course of Painting, Fundació Sunol, Barcelona, Spain (solo)
Hommage à Joan Hernández Pijuan, Galerie Andres Thalmann, Zurich, Switzerland (solo)
Escola Catalana del Tapís. El tapís contemporani català, Museu de Sant Cugat, Museo de Sant Cugat – Casa Aymat, Sant Cugat and Centre Cultural Caixa Terrassa, Terrassa
Inmersiones. Paisaje de redes, sistemas, mallas y estructuras, II Bienal de Canarias, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
España 1957-2007. L’arte spagnola da Picasso, Mirò e Tápies ai nostri giorni, Palazzo Sant'Elia, Palermo, Italy
Joan Hernández Pijuan: La distancia del dibujo, Museo de Arte Abstracto Espanyol, Fundación Juan March, Cuenca (E), Museu d’Art Espanyol Contemporani, Fundación Juan March, Palma de Mallorca (solo)
Mi Forma de Mirar, Galeria Ramis Barquet, New York, USA (solo)
Hernández Pijuan. Granada 2004, drawings by Joan Hernández Pijuan and works by Elvira Maluquer, Juan Uslé, Arthur Danto and Dan Cameron, Instituto Cervantes, New York, USA
48th Venice Biennale, Italy
Tornant a un Iloc conegut, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain (Solo)


Joan Hernández Pijuan. La mesura del temps, el transcurs de la pintura, Cat.: Fundació Suñol, Barcelona, with a text by Sergi Aguilar, Barcelona 2010
Joan Hernández Pijuan. Obra Gráfica IV (2002-2005), ed. by Ediciones Polígrafa, Barcelona, with a text by Pilar Vélez, Barcelona 2009
Joan Hernández Pijuan: La Distancia del Dibujo, Cat.: Museo de Arte Abstracto Espaňol, Cuenca and Museu d’Art Espanyol Contemporani, Palma, ed. by Fundación Juan March, Madrid, with texts by Valenín Roma, Peter Dittmar and Narcís Comadira, Madrid 2008
Iris de Pascua. Joan Hernández Pijuan, Cat.: Museo de Arte Abstracto Espaňol, Cuenca and Museu d’Art Espanyol Contemporani, Palma, ed. by Fundación Juan March, with a text by Elvira Maluquer, Madrid 2008
Hernández Pijuan. Granada 2004, Cat.: Instituto Cervantes, with texts by Eduardo Lago, Juan Uslé and Dan Cameron, New York 2007
Joan Hernández Pijuan. Mi Forma de Mirar, Cat.: Galeria Ramis Barquet, with texts by Simone Kuoni, Joan Hernández Pijuan and Arthur C. Danto, New York 2006
Joan Hernández Pijuan. Œuvres Recentes, Cat.: Galerie Xippas, with a text by Maria de Corral, Paris 2004
Joan Hernández Pijuan 1993-2004, Cat.: Carmen de la Fundación Rodriguez-Acosta, Centro Cultural Caja Granada Puerta Real, with texts by Fernando Martín Martín and Antonio García Bascón, Granada 2004
Joan Hernández Pijuan. En la piedra, Cat.: Galería la Caja Negra, with poems by Aurora García and texts by Joan Hernández Pijuan, Madrid 2004
Corral, Maria de / Maluquer, Elvira / Perez, Rafael Hernando: Joan Hernández Pijuan. Obra Sobre Papel, Madrid 2003