Framed characters. The human figure as inspiration

Framed characters. The human figure as inspiration

C/ Consell de Cent, 317 Barcelona, 08007, Spain Tuesday, November 3, 2020–Thursday, December 31, 2020

 Under the title "Framed characters" the exhibition is dedicated to one  of the most represented themes in the world of art: the human figure. 


Under the title "Framed characters"  the exhibition is dedicated to one of the most represented themes in the  world of art: the human figure. 

Through different paintings and drawings by some recognized artists,  the exhibition shows important artistic movements, such as surrealism or  expressionism, with the human figure as inspiration. 

 Picasso, Dalí or Miró are some of the names that can be found in this  exhibition, which aims to show the personal vision that the artists  have about the human being and how they have represented and adapted it  to their artworks.