PAUL KASMIN GALLERY is pleased to announce our upcoming exhibition of portraits from the seventies by ANDY WARHOL.
The exhibition will present a selection of Warhol’s vibrant canvases and linear drawings from the seventies featuring a variety of his friends and clients including Alexandre Iolas, David Hockney, Jimmy Carter, John Chamberlain, Jed Johnson, and Yves St. Laurent. As Christopher Mason notes in his catalogue essay “Andy Warhol’s luscious-lipped Lizas, day-glow Marilyns and stoic-widow Jackies, iconic in their studied vacuity, have long excited the passions of collectors and critics. Less attention, curiously, has been paid to the artist’s exceptionally fine male portraits from the seventies, some of which offer intriguing glimpses into the elusive personal life of the pontiff of Pop.” Warhol’s iconic paintings brought the long-standing tradition of portraiture back into focus as an artistic subject.
A fully illustrated catalogue with essay by Christopher Mason will accompany the exhibition.