Walton Ford: New Works
May 20 - July 2
PAUL KASMIN GALLERY is pleased to announce our upcoming exhibition of NEW WORKS by WALTON FORD from May 20 – July 2, 2005.
Walton Ford’s recent watercolors are inspired by such disparate sources as an episode in John James Audubon’s journals involving the torture of a golden eagle, a bizarre early memory of Leonardo da Vinci’s, and the death of the connoisseur Sir William Hamilton’s pet monkey.
A small sketch from the letters of the 19th century painter and explorer George Catlin prompted the creation of the 16-foot wide triptych Le Jardin.
In this work, spanning three huge sheets of paper, Ford has painted a life-sized American bison being attacked by a pack of wolves -- a brutal wild west standoff taking place within the manicured perfection of a formal European garden, complete with fountains, decorative urns and topiary.
With his latest work Ford creates delirious natural history spectacles that comment on the intense and often violent conflicts between culture and nature, savagery and order, natural science and mythology.