Frieze London 2021

Frieze London 2021

South of The Regent's Park Entrance off Park Square WestLondon, NW1 4LL, United Kingdom Wednesday, October 13, 2021–Sunday, October 17, 2021 Preview: Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. Booth B15

Kukje Gallery will showcase a wide variety of important works by critically acclaimed Korean and international modern and contemporary artists. This includes the Korean Dansaekhwa master Ha Chong-Hyun’s recent work Conjunction 19-79 (2019), a powerful example of the artist’s internationally celebrated technique of bae-ap-bub, a singular method of pushing paint from the back to the front of the burlap canvas, and Wook-kyung Choi’s Untitled (c. 1960s), an acrylic painting that exemplifies her signature interpretation of abstract expressionism wherein she embraced the political themes and social events of her time. Three of Choi’s pioneering works will be on view as part of a comprehensive exhibition titled Women in Abstraction at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao from October 22, 2021, through February 27, 2022. Also on view will be Kibong Rhee’s The symptom of depthless space (2014), a dreamlike representation of natural elements such as water, fog, and trees; and Suki Seokyeong Kang’s Mat Black Mat 122 x 163 #19-13 (2019), an adaptation of a Korean floor mat called a hwamunseok, on which the traditional solo dance chunaengmu is performed.

These works by some of today's most important Korean artists will be exhibited alongside those by widely recognized international artists, including the iconic American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe’s dye transfer color print titled Roses (1988); and Julian Opie’s Old Street December 4. (2020), a new silkscreen painting which depicts two figures in the act of “walking,” capturing the natural beauty of ordinary movemen