Untitled (Head 16-11-14), 2016
Price on Request
Untitled (Dango 06-01-16), 2006
Locks Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of Jun Kaneko, the artist’s seventh solo exhibition with the gallery. On view from June 3 to July 31, the exhibition will feature significant freestanding ceramic forms and wall-hung pieces with abstract designs and markings.
Originally trained as a painter in Japan and captured by the California Clay Movement of the early 1960s, Kaneko has for decades explored the interpenetration of form and space in his sculptures. Known for his large-scale, monumental dangos (Japanese for “rounded form” or “dumpling”), Kaneko immerses himself in the parallel processes of painting and of applying slips and glazes to his ceramics. Whether motifs of calligraphic lines, cross hatching, dots, drips, spirals, or other gestural markings, Kaneko says that he hears what the form has to say and begins to make the marks.