Locks Gallery presents the reveries of Thomas Chimes and Joseph Cornell. Led by their muses from pop culture, literature, science and art history, each sought to extend imagery from their inner voyages to the material plane.
Time and space collapse in the intricate imagery of these artists’ constructions. Cornell’s celestial constellations and soap bubble sets follow a poetic logic of cartography and astronomy. Roughly a generation younger, Chimes was immersed in the technological advances of the post-war era. In the midst of deep societal changes in the 1960s, both artists drew influence from turn-of-the-century Modernist literary figures including Apollinaire, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust, and for Chimes in particular, Alfred Jarry. Both artists also shared a deep affinity for the work and ideas of Marcel Duchamp. Alchemy of Images, Constellations of the Mind reflects the hermetic natures of their distinctive artistic outputs while tracing shared literary and cultural influences and a modernist lineage to the esoteric and the absurd.