Bertrand Meniel: Street Views

Bertrand Meniel: Street Views

141 Prince Street New York, NY 10012, USA Tuesday, February 28, 2017–Saturday, April 1, 2017 Opening Reception: Friday, March 3, 2017, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

jones street by bertrand meniel

Bertrand Meniel

Jones Street, 2016

Price on Request

New York City, NY — Louis K. Meisel Gallery is pleased to announce Street Views, an exhibition of Photorealistcityscapes by French painter Bertrand Meniel.

Bertrand Meniel has embraced digital photographic technology perhaps more so than any other Photorealist. The compositions of his paintings are assembled from multiple photographs and incorporate a tremendous amount of detail. Although working in fast-drying acrylics, Meniel is able to incorporate more information into each of his paintings than any other Photorealist to date.

Meniel portrays city scenes of New York, France, and Monaco as vibrant metropolises through his use of bright acrylics and dramatic perspectives. As LindamChase writes in her catalogue essay, “[h]is expansive panoramas and detailed, complex imagery often elicit a response of: It looks so real. It looks just like a photograph. But as we look further at the works in this exhibition, we realize that the artist does not so much transcribe reality as transform it—translating it through his own personal and particular vision.” Each painting is comprised of details that the human eye overlooks in the hustle and bustle of every day life. A small cigarette left on the street, the reflection of neon on a crosswalk, or the picture on a postcard sold by a street vendor. With their large scale, one can explore the intricacies of a painting for long periods of time—each viewing revealing more surprises.

Street Views is on view from February 28th to April 1st, 2017. A fully illustrated catalogue is available.