Louis Stern Fine Arts, located in the center of West Hollywood’s Avenue of Art and Design, has had a long and successful involvement in the secondary market. With a special concentration in Contemporary, Modern, West Coast Geometric Abstraction and Hard Edge, Latin American, and Hungarian Avant-Garde (1900–1940) Art, the gallery has offered works by Degas, Gauguin, Giacometti, Léger, Matisse, McLaughlin, Monet, Picasso, Pissaro, Ramos Martinez, Renoir, Rivera, Tamayo, and Villon.
Most recently, the gallery’s exhibition program has offered a dramatic re-investigation of important mid-20th century West Coast abstract painters. Artists Lorser Feitelson (Lorser Feitelson and the Invention of Hard Edge Painting), Karl Benjamin (Karl Benjamin: Paintings from 1950–1965), and Helen Lundeberg (Helen Lundeberg and the Illusory Landscape; Five Decades of Painting) have each been featured in extensive retrospective exhibitions. In addition, the gallery continues its association, initiated with its 2002 exhibition (Janos Mattis Teustch and the Hungarian Avant Garde 1900–1935, with the work of pre- and post-World War I Hungarian artists.
Louis Stern Fine Arts represents a select group of Contemporary artists including Elizabeth Patterson, Mark Leonard, June Harwood, Jean-Francios Spricigo, Cecilia Z. Miguez, and Leonard Nimoy. The gallery also represents the Estates of Karl Benjamin, June Wayne, Lorser Feitelson, Roger Kuntz, Helen Lundeberg, Alfredo Ramos Martinez, and Frederick Wight.