The Past, Present & Imperceptible

The Past, Present & Imperceptible

9 Maddox Street MayfairLondon, W1S 2QE, United Kingdom Thursday, May 20, 2021–Thursday, June 17, 2021

inference by miaz brothers

Miaz Brothers

Inference, 2020

Price on Request

mademoiselle by miaz brothers

Miaz Brothers

Mademoiselle, 2018

Price on Request

gentleman in white by miaz brothers

Miaz Brothers

Gentleman in White, 2021

Price on Request

flourishing decay by miaz brothers

Miaz Brothers

Flourishing Decay

Price on Request

axis around the island by miaz brothers

Miaz Brothers

Axis Around The Island, 2020

Price on Request

Maddox Gallery is proud to present The Past, Present & Imperceptible, a solo exhibition of works by Italian duo, the Miaz Brothers.

Following residency this past year at Maddox Gallery in Shepherd Market, the Miaz Brothers return with a body of work that challenges perception more than ever before. Rendered in their signature style with layers of aerosol paint, the duo’s latest exhibition offers clouded projections of old masters and apparitions in candle-lit scenes; works that are at once a hazed account of legends, fables and disparate fantasies. 

Priding themselves on the surprising nature of their work and their defiance of the genre of portraiture, the Miaz Brothers encourage the viewer to use their perception and interpretation to bring clarity to their large-scale out-of-focus works.

On creating the collection, the brothers remarked that “it is not possible to gaze passively. Instinctively, you are immediately prompted to engage on a physical level with what you see, moving closer or further away to decode what is before you. As memory begins to manifest and thoughts start taking form, emotions arise along with the possibility for reflection”.

By giving the spectator the power to make their own conclusions the duo transcend pictorial limits, making each work an exercise in self focus. Their hazed images can only materialize when the absence of lines and atomization of colour are replaced with mnemonic connections; when we, as viewers, raise old spirits and recognize the new.

During the artists’ residency, Maddox Gallery Creative Director, Jay Rutland, commented the Miaz Brothers have the ability to make something as finite as a portrait a boundless experience. Their signature haziness is as beautiful as it is brilliant, and with each work, we are reminded that nothing is truly imperceptible. The challenge for the viewer is to become comfortable with their own perception; to look beyond the artists intention and apply their own narrative to the frame”. 

Maddox Gallery CEO, John Russo, also added “I am excited and honoured to welcome the Miaz Brothers to the Maddox family. This solo exhibition is not only a celebration of their talent but an introduction for the many client and collectors who are excited to experience this extraordinary work”. 


Born in 1965 and 1968 respectively, the Italian sibling duo Renato and Roberto Miaz present a radical new approach to portraiture. Using layers of aerosol paint, the brothers create large-format canvases that appear out of focus. The hazy renderings encourage the viewer to engage with the image, pushing the limits of perception and interpretation.

With a diverse range of subjects, from portraits of people or scenes to iconic brand packaging, the Miaz Brothers’ have collaborated with an array of iconic brands and exhibited across the globe. Featuring as part of group and solo shows at both international galleries and art fairs, the brothers’ works have been exhibited in London, New York, Miami, Istanbul, Valencia and more.