Anthony Pearson
September 11 – October 10, 2009
Opening reception Thursday, September 10, 2009, 6 – 8 pm
Marianne Boesky Gallery is pleased to present the first New York solo exhibition by Anthony
Anthony Pearson works with photography and sculpture to create a formal and conceptual matrix.
His varied works interlock on both a procedural and physical level. Individual pictures and
objects exist in accord with one another. This is perhaps most evident in the artist’s
Arrangements, in which he creates pairings of bronze sculpture and photography that resonate
simultaneously on a material, pictorial, and phenomenological level.
The artist’s Flares, which in the case of this exhibition, act not only as singular pictures, but also
as components of larger Arrangements, employ digital transmission to create an abstraction.
Sourced from a light leak in the artist’s camera, the concentric forms of the Flares shift with the
compression of the image. In this exhibition, many of the Flares are presented as vertical planks
throughout the gallery.
Three suites of the artist’s Solarizations act as small-scale analog counterpoints to the Flares. The
artist constructs the subjects of these silver gelatin prints, by creating drawings on foil, and
subsequently photographing these drawings. The solarization of the final photographic print
creates an additional layer of procedural transmission, abstracting the image even further from its
initial source.
In this exhibition the artist will debut a new set of works entitled Opaques. These photographs
consist of images of the backsides of the renderings that were the source for his solarizations. The
Opaques are essentially images of the trace of the artist’s brushwork pushing through the foil on
which he works.
By presenting an enlargement of the literal posterior of his drawings, the artist continues to
employ his consistent exchange between the positive and negative. This interplay is found
throughout the work on the level of the photographic negative, sculptural casting, and mold
making. By imaging the Opaques as either inverted, or as blown-out, the artist presents the
extreme poles of photographic tonal range.
Pearson uses a strict process-based methodology to derive all of his works, though his output
presents itself as highly visceral. An overarching sense of intuition remains throughout the work,
even though the creation of each work is procedural. The artist’s strict systems allow for an
unfolding of personal expression. Seemingly primordial works are derived from the most
cognitive actions. This mercurial range, from the procedural, to the material manifestation of the
work, is broad and transformative. This aforementioned vast trajectory, from conceptual genesis
to concrete formalism, is the principle act of his work.
Anthony Pearson lives in Los Angeles and received his MFA from The University of California
Los Angeles in 1999. In 2008 he had a solo exhibition at Midway Contemporary Art in
Minneapolis. A catalog entitled solarizations was recently published by Midway in conjunction
with the exhibition. Forthcoming exhibitions include a three-person show with Barbara Kasten
and Erin Shirreff at Shane Campbell Gallery in Chicago in Spring 2010 and a solo exhibition at
David Kordansky Gallery in Los Angeles in Fall 2010.
Marianne Boesky Gallery is located at 509 West 24th Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues. Our
hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm. For further information or images, please
contact Annie Rana at 212.680.9889 or [email protected].