American Identity: Figurative Painting and Sculpture, 1930-1945
May 9 - July 11, 2003
Who is an American? By looking at a selection of thirty figurative
paintings and sculptural works created between 1930 and 1945, Michael
Rosenfeld Gallery attempts to answer this question in its group
exhibition American Identity. Rural southern scenes, portraits of
industrial workers, familial interior scenes, sporting events and
political forums are all included in this snapshot of American life by
Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Julius Bloch, James
Chapin, Philip Evergood, William Gropper, Chaim Gross, Robert Gwathmey,
Palmer Hayden, John Hovannes, Edward Laning, Jacob Lawrence, Jack
Levine, Saul Levine, Edmund Lewandowski, Jackson Lee Nesbitt, Thomas
LoMedico, Reginald Marsh, Paul Meltsner, Augusta
Savage, Raphael Soyer and Warren Wheelock.