Spring Repartee

Spring Repartee

Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada Saturday, May 4, 2019–Monday, May 20, 2019 Opening Reception: Saturday, May 4, 2019, 3 p.m.–3 p.m.

breaking the surface - bright, airy, abstract expressionist, acrylic on canvas by adam cohen

Adam Cohen

Breaking the Surface - bright, airy, abstract expressionist, acrylic on canvas, 2018

6,100 USD

dior - acrylic, oil, vintage paper, fashion female model, collage in plexiglass by peter hoffer

Peter Hoffer

Dior - acrylic, oil, vintage paper, fashion female model, collage in plexiglass, 2019

16,000 USD

azzaro - large, fashion female model, paper, oil, acrylic, collage in plexiglass by peter hoffer

Peter Hoffer

Azzaro - large, fashion female model, paper, oil, acrylic, collage in plexiglass, 2019

16,000 USD

cream rose with pink - small dark green, orange, figurative still life oil by jennifer hornyak

Jennifer Hornyak

Cream Rose with Pink - small dark green, orange, figurative still life oil, 2019

5,200 USD

yellow burst with pink and turquoise - small bright orange floral still life oil by jennifer hornyak

Jennifer Hornyak

Yellow Burst with Pink and Turquoise - small bright orange floral still life oil, 2019


four ring temps zero red 6/10 - modern, abstract, stainless steel sculpture by philippe pallafray

Philippe Pallafray

Four Ring Temps Zero Red 6/10 - modern, abstract, stainless steel sculpture, 2019

3,000 USD

five ring temps zero pink  by philippe pallafray

Philippe Pallafray

Five Ring Temps Zero Pink , 2019


four ring polished stainless steel temps zero - geometric, modern, sculpture by philippe pallafray

Philippe Pallafray

Four Ring Polished Stainless Steel Temps Zero - geometric, modern, sculpture, 2019


temps zero black 6/10 - stainless steel, rings, table-top, abstract, sculpture by philippe pallafray

Philippe Pallafray

Temps Zero Black 6/10 - stainless steel, rings, table-top, abstract, sculpture, 2019

2,500 USD

large temps zero red 3/10 - contemporary, large ring, aluminum sculpture by philippe pallafray

Philippe Pallafray

Large Temps Zero Red 3/10 - contemporary, large ring, aluminum sculpture, 2023


four ring temps zero blue - bright, modern abstract stainless steel sculpture by philippe pallafray

Philippe Pallafray

Four Ring Temps Zero Blue - bright, modern abstract stainless steel sculpture, 2019

3,000 USD

 Adam Cohen, Peter Hoffer, Jennifer Hornyak, Philippe Pallafray Opening reception Sat. May 4, 3 pm - 5 pm The curated selection of dynamic artwork in Oeno Gallery's exhibition Spring Repartee, will get people talking! Enjoy a visual conversation with work by sculptor Philippe Pallafray and painters Adam Cohen, Jennifer Hornyak and Peter Hoffer. In his geometric sculptures, Pallafray intersects rings of polished stainless steel, the edges patinated in hot pink, orange crush and more. His minimalist approach is paced, cool and echoed in the series title, Temps Zero or "timeless". American painter Adam Cohen boasts roots in abstract expressionism. Inspired by music and literature, Cohen merges this heroic mode with narrative. The colours and texture in Cohen's Heartscape, octane blue and hot orange echo those in Hornyak's brilliant new still life paintings. The exhibition wraps up with new couture paintings by Peter Hoffer. Hoffer explores the theatre of fashion through a reinterpreted runway: models are juxtaposed with collage and housed in plexiglass boxes.