the blue water was only a heavier and darker air

the blue water was only a heavier and darker air

435 Ocean Avenue Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA Monday, March 11, 2019–Sunday, April 28, 2019 Opening Reception: Sunday, March 31, 2019, Noon–2 p.m.

Please join Peter Blake Gallery in its exhibition of Cole Sternberg’s the blue water was only a heavier and darker air, featuring the largest volume of Sternberg’s environmental paintings shown together to date.

they were amazed at their appearance, forgetting for a moment of the tides by cole sternberg

Cole Sternberg

they were amazed at their appearance, forgetting for a moment of the tides, 2018


the sea falling down her iron wall as far as the bilge by cole sternberg

Cole Sternberg

the sea falling down her iron wall as far as the bilge, 2018


rotational moments guided by a sand bar by cole sternberg

Cole Sternberg

rotational moments guided by a sand bar, 2018


i moved about like an infant learning to walk by cole sternberg

Cole Sternberg

i moved about like an infant learning to walk, 2018


collective efforts by cole sternberg

Cole Sternberg

collective efforts, 2018


as i could not see the coal in great bulk, i could not admire it by cole sternberg

Cole Sternberg

as I could not see the coal in great bulk, I could not admire it, 2018


Please join Peter Blake Gallery in its exhibition of Cole Sternberg’s the blue water was only a heavier and darker air, featuring the largest volume of Sternberg’s environmental paintings shown together to date.

Underwater, the glow of the sun is welcoming. As it fractures into rays and fades into the deep, the dreamy expectations become tempered. There is inherent conflict, as the danger lies above. Only as the horizon curves, unobstructed by the passersby, do the water and air merge in confident display of their dominance.

Cole Sternberg’s paintings live in this realm of environmental known and unknown. In their process, the layered paintings are left exposed to an unencumbered environment. They face rain, wind and the harsh sun without shelter. The earth beneath textures each piece, perhaps as an attempt at camouflage. While they are weathered and partially erased by the environment, hand-manipulated processes simultaneously create movements akin to brush strokes. The cycle continues as the paintings are dragged in the water behind vessels of all kinds and thrown back to the land for the process to begin again. The industrial aggressiveness of a steel vessel is no match for the endless blue. Meanwhile, Sternberg’s paintings drag in the sea and flap in the wind. 

In their finished form, the stretched paintings afford a glimpse into the process itself. The patterns of the environment emerge on the bare portions of unprimed linen, a nod to the earth’s capacity for erasure. The dramatic dominance of the environment is on display as the pure surface of raw linen peeks through the painterly—a reemergence of the organic.