

Grimaldi Forum Monaco 10, avenue Princesse GraceMonaco, 98000 , Monaco Friday, July 7, 2023–Sunday, July 9, 2023

sitzender mann [sitting man] by sandro chia

Sandro Chia

Sitzender Mann [Sitting Man], 1987

Price on Request

intersecazione [intersection] by bice lazzari

Bice Lazzari

Intersecazione [Intersection], 1953

Price on Request

senza titolo [untitled] by bice lazzari

Bice Lazzari

Senza Titolo [Untitled], 1969

Price on Request

senza titolo [untitled] by bice lazzari

Bice Lazzari

Senza Titolo [Untitled], 1968

Price on Request

orizzonte - infinito [horizon - infinity] by giulia napoleone

Giulia Napoleone

Orizzonte - Infinito [Horizon - Infinity], 1982

Price on Request

mutare dell'ora [changing of time] by giulia napoleone

Giulia Napoleone

Mutare dell'ora [Changing of time], 1983

Price on Request

acqua iv by giulia napoleone

Giulia Napoleone

ACQUA IV, 1992

Price on Request

souvenir du "dejeuner en fourrure" (souvenir of breakfast in fur) by meret oppenheim

Meret Oppenheim

Souvenir du "Dejeuner en fourrure" (Souvenir of Breakfast in Fur), created: 1972

Price on Request

untitled by greta schödl

Greta Schödl

Untitled, 1995

Price on Request

priest beast by holly stevenson

Holly Stevenson

Priest Beast, 2022

Price on Request

coat hanger angel by holly stevenson

Holly Stevenson

Coat Hanger Angel, 2022

Price on Request

hibiscus syriacus 8 by ria verhaeghe

Ria Verhaeghe

Hibiscus Syriacus 8, 2017

Price on Request