AV. Conscripto 311 Lomas de Sotelo, CDMX Mexico City, 11200, Mexico Wednesday, February 6, 2019–Sunday, February 10, 2019 Preview: Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 4 p.m.–9 p.m. Booth ZMS9

For its first presentation at ZONA MACO, Richard Saltoun Gallery will present Jo SPENCE's key series 'The Final Project' (1991-1992).  

the final project by jo spence

Jo Spence

The Final Project, 1991


the final project (various 7) by jo spence

Jo Spence

The Final Project (Various 7), 1991

Price on Request

the final project [graveyard] by jo spence

Jo Spence

The Final Project [Graveyard], 1991–1992

Price on Request

the final project [mask] by jo spence

Jo Spence

The Final Project [Mask], 1991–1992

Price on Request

“The Final Project was one of the two major collaborative pieces of work that Jo Spence was involved with during her last heroic struggle to overcome leukaemia… The therapeutic intention of this work was to ‘get to know death’ so as to reduce the fear of the subject, but she realised that the methods that she had started to evolve also had important implications for photography. Unfortunately, she did not live to explore these new paths: that is left for those who follow her."

– Terry Dennett, Jo Spence Memorial Archive, August 1994