Evan Trine: Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

Evan Trine: Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

5801 Washington Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90232, USA Tuesday, July 7, 2020–Saturday, August 15, 2020 Opening Reception: Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Roberts Projects is pleased to announce Niña, Pinta, Santa Maria, the latest exhibition of gallery artist Evan Trine. This presentation brings together new photographic works in the gallery’s project room. 

Roberts Projects is pleased to announce Niña, Pinta, Santa Maria, the latest exhibition of gallery artist Evan Trine. This presentation brings together new photographic works in the gallery’s project room.    Evan Trine’s latest body of work continues his exploration into using traditional photographic tools to manipulate a variety of recognizable source materials. His newest series “Ships” utilizes the iconic image of Columbus’ sailing trio - the Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria - as a stand-in for a set of American cultural symbols that are currently being contested and re-evaluated. .    By physically altering the print as it leaves the printer, Trine mimics the process the viewer engages with and ultimately razes culturally-entrenched internalized ideas, values and patterns of behavioral modes currently being dismantled within contemporary society. A response to the cultural amnesia about the contingency of historical memory, the effect is one of disorientation – both historical and immediate – in the face of transformation.