The eighth edition of the exhibition series GENIUS LOCI is dedicated to SETAREH and nine young artists who deal with material, narrative and formal structures within their medium in a playful way.
When Vilém Flusser describes Homo Ludens (‘the playing human’) as the antagonist of Homo Faber (‘the creator’) and as the formative actor of our time, then analogies can be made with contemporary visual art, because the knowledge of all times and its techniques are often transformed today on the canvas or in space into a free and playful dialogue, regardless of chronological laws or traditional practices. The artists shown in the exhibition often use complex narrative or technical procedures, disparate materials and historical references as material for artistic interplay, thus freeing familiar patterns and rules from their usual heaviness. The following compilation would like to use the works to draw attention to the game and to seek a moment of lightness, in order to provide a grateful balance, especially in our so complex world of today.
Since its foundation, SETAREH pays special attention to outstanding positions with GENIUS LOCI, which can be attributed to a specific zeitgeist or a distinctive location. The promotion of young art is a particular focus of its activities.
The opening will take place from between 6 to 9 pm, to guarantee you enough space for your personal view of the exhibition.