ASSEMBLAGE: Charlie Anderson, Teresa Duck, Telmo Miel, Joram Roukes, Asha Zero, Stuart Semple

ASSEMBLAGE: Charlie Anderson, Teresa Duck, Telmo Miel, Joram Roukes, Asha Zero, Stuart Semple

17 Osborne Street London, E1 6TD, United Kingdom Friday, December 2, 2016–Friday, December 23, 2016 Opening Reception: Thursday, December 1, 2016, 6 p.m.–9 p.m.

paradise by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson



denim by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson


Price on Request

speed dating by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson

Speed Dating

Price on Request

available for windows by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson

Available For Windows

Price on Request

how to find a fortune by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson

How To Find A Fortune

Price on Request

get lucky by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson

Get Lucky

Price on Request

broke #2 by charlie anderson

Charlie Anderson

Broke #2

Price on Request

an indelible lightness of beeing by teresa duck

Teresa Duck

An Indelible Lightness Of Beeing

Price on Request

glut by teresa duck

Teresa Duck


Price on Request

364 days of summer by joram roukes

Joram Roukes

364 Days Of Summer

Price on Request

she smiles for me by telmo & miel

Telmo & Miel

She Smiles For Me


don't wake me up now by telmo & miel

Telmo & Miel

Don't Wake Me Up Now

Price on Request

StolenSpace is proud to present ‘Assemblage’, a comment on the selfies, popular culture and the social disorder of the modern age. ‘Assemblage’ brings together six artists who’s work plays with these elements; pointing out the ridiculous and twisted world which has become our reality. Working in a realistic style, these surreal artworks take on an abstract quality to create a visual explosion for the senses.

Charlie Anderson
Scottish artist, Charlie Anderson is known for his epic scale paintings composed of layered hand painted fragments from advertisements, postcards, posters, newspapers, street flyers and magazines. The post-punk effect achieved through this intensive process of layering stencils and paint results in a vibrantly textured and visually stimulating portrait of contemporary culture.
Anderson’s work samples elements of history and society to document urban life, refocusing on the subtle details that our contemporary attention span sometimes fails to appreciate. His provocative and engaging subjects inspire an exciting visual experience, inviting and implicating viewers into his playful and compelling commentary.

Teresa Duck
Teresa Duck is a contemporary British painter, living and working in the North East of England. Her work combines formal realist painting with abstracted elements, alongside working in sculpture and assemblage. Her work explores identity and aspects of contemporary culture. With tongue in cheek references to sexuality and consumerism, her work creates a bright and comical world, while incorporating cynical comments on modern society.

Telmo Miel
A muralist and image-making duo from the Netherlands, Telmo Miel create artworks that are both surreal and realistically rendered, with a tremendous amount of detail and vibrant colour. Combining multiple elements in a single composition, they layer references to the human and animal worlds to create complex creatures and fantastic scenarios. With positivity, humour and a touch of the romantic, their work is arresting and epic.

Joram Roukes
Dutch artist Joram Roukes’ work reflects on everyday life situations, observed, filtered and reassembled in a collage like way. The resulting works pose a fragmented yet cohesive view on today’s society and human behaviour. Joram mixes traditional techniques, urban influences, pop culture imagery and fantasy, creating a world of the obscure yet familiar. He achieves a unique and inspired visual style with which he can communicate his many observations of the Western World.

Asha Zero
Asha Zero is a South African artist who meticulously paints fragments from popular, commercial, and street culture, which he fashions into what appears very convincingly to be collages. His work is a response to a society where, increasingly, the identity of the individual is defined, altered and negated through the growing omnipresence of a digitised culture. In this era where the personal has become impersonal, Asha Zero’s work plays with ideas of identity and confusion, altering the very medium itself to appear as something else entirely.

Stuart Semple
British artist Stuart Semple’s works comment on the emotional and spiritual impact of mass culture on the individual. This is re-imagined with a playful, exuberant and sociological language which make his style so unique. His hybrid compositions often comprise of disparate appropriated and found elements which he weaves into alluring surfaces that encapsulate a deep critical analysis of contemporary culture. His world is one of low-culture internet trash, 90s nickelodeon colour palettes, indie music, obscure music videos and cultural theory straight out of the 60s Frankfurt school.