Suchitra Mattai: Monster

Suchitra Mattai: Monster

3 Hanover Square London, W1S 1HD, United Kingdom Tuesday, January 11, 2022–Saturday, February 12, 2022

forward thinking in an age of sadness by suchitra  mattai

Suchitra Mattai

forward thinking in an age of sadness, 2018

Price on Request

guardian by suchitra  mattai

Suchitra Mattai

Guardian, 2021

Price on Request

seen and heard by suchitra  mattai

Suchitra Mattai

seen and heard, 2021

Price on Request

girl in green (asking for forgiveness) by suchitra  mattai

Suchitra Mattai

girl in green (asking for forgiveness), 2021

Price on Request

For Suchitra Mattai, memory, myth, and fantasy provide a platform to explore lived experience in all of its rich guises.  She  confronts biases by naming them and opening a visual and conceptual arena where she creates a spectacle that lodges in our psyches. She invites us to explore our own monsters, especially how we are involved with othering and mental healthmetrics. Her Indo-Caribbean heritage and feminist position inform choices for materials and symbols that resonate deeply, inviting empathetic identification with her subject, the monstrous.

- Curator, Rebecca Hart, previously Modern and Contemporary Art Curator of the Denver Art Museum