For Frieze Masters at Frieze Viewing Room, Van Doren Waxter highlights the work of Romanian- American artist Hedda Sterne (b. 1910 – d. 2011) within a curated exhibition that emphasizes the gallery’s specialization in Post-War American abstraction. A selected group of abstract works from the Hedda Sterne Foundation, which is represented by Van Doren Waxter, forms the core of the presentation. This focused grouping draws attention to the long and varied oeuvre of this important yet still under-recognized artist, which has been highlighted by her prominent inclusion in recent important museum exhibitions, including the re-installation of The Museum of Modern Art; "Epic Abstraction" at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; "Crossroads" at The Carnegie Museum of Art; and "The Whitney’s Collection, From 1900 – 1965" at The Whitney Museum of American Art. The selection presented in the viewing room includes work from the 1980s, including canvases which reveal her singular and visionary abstraction. Sterne’s paintings are contextualized by artists from the gallery’s stable of estates, foundations, and specialized inventory. They include Richard Diebenkorn, Moira Dryer, John McLaughlin, Elizabeth Murray, Harvey Quaytman, Alan Shields, and Jack Tworkov. The inclusion of these artists proposes a decades long dialogue about the development of art in America in the second half of the 20th century, and how the idiosyncratic careers of each cycled through phases of great acclaim and less popular periods. Yet in their resolute practices – especially Sterne’s, who lived to be 100 – each honed and focused on highly distinctive and formally varied paths, and earning their critical places in art history. Van Doren Waxter’s Frieze Masters online exhibition exemplifies the gallery’s continued and committed engagement with each exhibited artist, with a special emphasis on the presentation and contextualization of Hedda Sterne, and the renewed interest in her prescient work.