Danica Lundy: Stop Bath

Danica Lundy: Stop Bath

144-152 Bermondsey Street London, SE1 3TQ, United Kingdom Friday, July 8, 2022–Sunday, September 11, 2022

White Cube is pleased to announce an exhibition of paintings by Danica Lundy, her first at the gallery. 

‘I want a painting to be able to read like a poem or a nightmare, to evoke a young lifetime’s worth of cultural gunk, great paintings, friction, disillusionment, jubilation, heartache... I want a painting that I can be totally consumed by...’ – Danica Lundy

White Cube is pleased to present ‘Stop Bath’, Danica Lundy’s first solo exhibition in London. Featuring a group of monumental paintings made during the past year, the exhibition demonstrates Lundy’s particular visceral figuration; a sensorial and visionary form which the artist describes as a ‘hyper-reality that shows everything at once’.

Lundy’s paintings are compositionally complex and slow to reveal their nature. Alive with incident, autobiography yields to larger themes in these polyphonic narratives that reflect the varied theatre of human life: from the epic to the banal, and the torrid to the ecstatic. Lundy exploits painting’s potential for panoptical vision, using multiple perspectives and hybrid forms to evoke sensations, sights, smells and sounds in her vast tableaux of colliding realities.

Produced in the shadow of the death of her father, a photographer for a local newspaper, Lundy’s choice of title for the exhibition is both a tribute to him and a metaphor. Referring to the last stage in photographic development, where a fixing agent is used to secure the final image, ‘Stop Bath’ suggests a vision arrested, as well as a memory preserved.