Pélagie Gbaguidi

(Beninese, born 1965)

naked writing by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Naked Writing, 2016

Price on Request

naked writing by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Naked Writing, 2016

Price on Request

icon in progress after marron by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Icon in Progress After Marron, 2015–2016

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

icon in progress by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Icon in Progress, 2015–2016

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

care by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Care, 2020

Price on Request

archive something is wrong by pélagie gbaguidi

Pélagie Gbaguidi

Archive Something Is Wrong, 2019

Price on Request



Born in Dakar
Fiacre de la DRAC REUNION for the project ‘Le chariot de l’humanité’
Artist in Residence, Nantes, France
Prize - Res Artis for A residency in Air Krems Progamm Austria, Biennale de Dakar
Artist in Residence Factory; Krems, Austria
Artist in Residence IFAA, Arnhem, Netherlands
Prize - Thamgidi Fondation, Biennale de Dakar
Lives and works in Brussels
Graduated from the Saint Luc School of Fine Arts, Liège


Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2021:
'Congoville', Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp, (BE)
'10e Triennale d’Art Contemporain d’Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve', Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (BE)
'BXL Universel II: Multipli.City', CENTRALE for contemporary art, Brussels (BE)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2020:
'Berlin Biennale: The Crack Begins Within', KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (DE)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2019:
'I had a dream', Africa Center, New York (US)
'Festival Désir... Désirs: Décoloniser les corps', Eternal Network, Tours (FR)
'Multiple Transmissions: Art in the Afropolitan Age', WIELS, Brussels (BE)
'Somewhere in the World: Afrikanisch-niederösterreichische Begegnungen', Forum Frohner, Krems an der Donau (AT)
'6th Biennale De Lubumbashi: Future Genealogies, Tales From The Equatorial Line', Museum Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi (CG)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2018:
Pélagie Gbaguidi: Disclosed Traces and Triadic Apparitions', Sulger-Buel Gallery, London (GB) (solo)
'I am what I am', Ici Gallery, Paris (FR)
'Dak’Art 2018: La Biennale de l’Art Africain Contemporain', Dakar (SN)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2017:
', Maison des Arts de Malakoff, Malakoff (FR)
'Afriques Capitales', Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille (FR)
'El Iris de Lucy. Artistas africanas contemporáneas', CAAM - Atlantic Center of Modern Art, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ES)
'Documenta 14', Kassel (DE)
'Documenta 14', Athens Conservatoire (Odeion), Athens (GR)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2016:
'El Mundo sans le corps', Sulger-Buel Gallery, London (GB) (solo)
'Dakar-Martigny: Hommage à la Biennale d’art contemporain', Le Manoir de la Ville de Martigny, Martigny (CH)
'The Lucy's iris. African Contemporary women artists', MUSAC - Contemporary Art Museum of Castille-et-León, Castille-et-León (ES)'l’Iris de Lucy: Artistes Africaines Contemporaines', Musée de Rochechouart, Rochechouart (FR)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2015:
The Divine Comedy: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory revisited by Contemporary African Artists', Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington D.C. (US)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2014:
The Divine Comedy: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory revisited by Contemporary African Artists', MMK, Frankfurt (DE)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2013:
''Traces de Femmes, ici & demain', Villa des Arts de Casablanca, Casablanca (MA)'Serial Attempts: Berti, Ferreira, Gbaguidi', News of the World Gallery, London (GB)
'Asyl Stadtmuseum. Afrikanische Theaterfiguren in einer künstlerischen Installation von Pélagie Gbaguidi und Stefanie Oberhoff', Münchner Stadtmuseum, Munich (DE)
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Exhibitions in 2012:
'1ere Biennale Internationale de Casablanca 2012', Casablanca (MA)

Public Collections

Artothèque, Saint-Denis, Réunion (FR)
Casa África, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ES)
Holocaust Memorial Foundation, Chicago (US)
Memorial ACTe, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (FR)
Mu.ZEE, Ostend (BE)


Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Publications in 2021:
BXL Universel II: Multipli.City - Published by CFC Éditions
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Publications in 2020:
the crack begins within - 11th berlin biennale for contemporary art Kunst-Werke Berlin e.V., Berlin (DE) - texts by GBAGUIDI Pélagie
The Documenta 14 Reader - Published by Prestel
Selected Pélagie Gbaguidi Publications in 2013:
Afrikanische Theaterfiguren in einer künstlerischen Installation; Pélagie Gbaguidi & Stefanie Oberhoff Münchner Stadtmuseum, München (DE) - texts by WEGNER Manfred, ERBELDING Mascha, TRUNK Wiebke
Traces de femmes - Ici & Maintenant Villa des Arts, Casablance (MA)