Adelson Galleries will present 25 new original works by Steven Spazuk for our second solo show of the artist. Spazuk has experimented with some new media in this exhibition; however, the primary material that he uses is soot, derived from fire touching the surface of each panel. Over the past 18 years, Spazuk perfected his unique approach to painting, which he calls fumage. Steven Spazuk's unique medium catches people's attention, and his subject matter allows a quiet moment of reflection about current world issues. Spazuk fills his works with symbolism or outright narratives that display his impassioned ecological or social sentiments. Almost all of the artworks in this exhibition contain an image of one of humankind's most destructive inventions: guns. These, infused with flowers, are referential to gun violence and humanity's often violent relationship with the natural world. The artist's approach to these controversial topics are neither vindictive nor are they meant to be chastising to gun owners; preferably, the compositions are reminders to all that beauty and love – symbolized by flowers – are more powerful than those individuals who ignite aggression and fear.