Coral Gables/Miami
Untitled Plaka Casein, ca. 1950
Dear Art Enthusiasts, This is the final month to see our exhibition, “The Silent Shout: Voices of Cuban Abstraction 1950-2013.” I am pleased to report that the show has been unanimously well received. It was featured in Richard Speer’s review in the March issue of ARTnews as well as his essay on censorship in Visual Art Source. Another review ran in the March 2nd issue of El Nuevo Herald, and you will be able to read other reviews in coming issues of Arte al Dia and ARTPulse magazines. Speer's essay and commentary on it by Ileana Fuente, the well-known author and art critic, describing how the Castro regime viewed abstract art, are on our website under “Abstraction and the Once-Silenced Shout." The review in El Nuevo Herald can be seen there at " El grito silencioso..." The show has changed slightly as we have added new sculpture by Jose Angel Vincench and a new painting by Jose Rosabal. I am deeply grateful that the private collectors who so generously loaned their historic paintings for this exhibition have kindly allowed us to leave their works up for a few more weeks, so all can enjoy them before they are returned. For anyone interested in Latin American or Cuban art, this is an opportunity to learn about the neglected period between 1963 and 1997, when abstractions were all but banned in Cuba, and to see representative early works by members of two of the most renowned groups of Cuban abstract artists, “Los Once” and “Diez Pintores Concretos.” A catalog of "The Silent Shout…" will be available at our reception on March 7th during Gables Gallery Night.