Picturing Identities

Picturing Identities, 2017

Picturing Identities

Brun Fine Art is proud to present Picturing Identities, an exhibition of over thirty portraits on view this December on the occasion of the first London Art Week Winter Edition. The selling exhibition, presented on the two newly renovated floors of the gallery and accompanied by a catalogue, centres on the theme of portraiture across time, mediums, and subjects. The museum-quality paintings, drawings, and sculptures on display aim to trace the evolution of this artistic practice from the early 16th to the late 20th century. The title of the exhibition aims to foreground the importance of the portraits’ introspective and emotional potential, rather than the subjects’ social status. Indeed, the subjects of these artworks range from members of important aristocratic families to humble servants, from clergymen to scientific personalities, as well as courtiers and comedians, thus providing an extensive overview of the aesthetic possibilities afforded by the art of portraiture.  

Brun Fine Art is committed to conduct rigorous scholarly research on the art it displays, and is very proud to present a fully illustrated and researched catalogue to accompany this important exhibition. The publication, edited by Federico Giannini, includes entries by prominent Italian scholars and professors, such as Andrea Bacchi, Sandro Bellesi, Roberto Cobianchi, Carlo Falciani, Lisa Goldenberg Stoppato, Gunnar Heidenreich, Mauro Lucco, Alberto Mazzacchera, Francesco Petrucci, Giuseppe Porzio, Maria Silvia Proni, and Marco Tanzi.
