Jorge Marín / Fracciones

Jorge Marín / Fracciones

Los Angeles, CA, USA Saturday, September 13, 2008–Saturday, November 1, 2008

Opening date, artist’s reception: Saturday, September 13 6:00—8:00 pm.

Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11am - 5pm

Renowned Mexican sculptor Jorge Marín returns to Couturier Gallery with a recent series of bronze sculptures in his fifth solo show Fracciones. This exhibition of 15 new bronzes presents fragments of both time and the physical elements included in the body of bronze work Marín has created during the past ten years. The figural bronzes also bear witness to historical antecedents placed in a decidedly 21st century context. The opening reception for the artist is Saturday, September 13, from 6-8pm.

Fracciones is a compilation of actual components of sculptures Marín encountered in his studio: fragments of arms, heads, torsos, legs, all of which were once parts of a whole. These fragments were first cast in wax then reworked and re-cast in bronze resulting in the final fracciones. The final sculptures, sometimes enigmatic, compel the viewer to question their past and divine their covert stories. Their partial faces and bodies stand simply and elegantly as vestiges of memories, events and experiences of the artist’s past. Furthermore, Marín adds here a playful element in challenging the viewer to identify these fragments with respect to their place in the artist’s oeuvre.

Born in 1963 in Michoacán, Mexico, Jorge Marín comes from a distinguished family of artists. He is a graduate of the Escuela Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museographica “Manuel del Castillo Negrete”, INAH-SEP, México, D.F., and spent several years in museums doing conservation and restoration before dedicating his full attentions to his own artwork.

Marin’s work has been exhibited at the Museo de Arte Moderno, México; Museo Universitario del Chopo, México; Museo Monterrey, N.L., México; Museo MARCO, Monterrey, México; Museo Nacional de la Estamapa, México; Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, CA. His work is included in a number of important public collections including: The Franklin Companies, Los Angeles, CA, Museo de Art Carrillo Gil, México, D.F., México; Museo de Arte Moderno, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, México, D.F., México; Museo de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Antiguo Palacio del Arzobispado, Mexico; Museo Universitario del Chopo, UNAM, México, D.F., México; Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, CA; Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY; Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, México, D.F., México.