"untitled #1-7" by tomma abts

Tomma Abts

"Untitled #1-7", 2016

Price on Request

"the big book" by lutz bacher

Lutz Bacher

"The Big Book", 2013

Price on Request

the little people (trio) by lutz bacher

Lutz Bacher

The Little People (Trio), 2005

Price on Request

untitled by lutz bacher

Lutz Bacher

Untitled, 2016

Price on Request

“dismantled elevated west side highway” by alvin baltrop

Alvin Baltrop

“Dismantled elevated West Side Highway”, 1975–1986

Price on Request

"the piers (hudson river)" by alvin baltrop

Alvin Baltrop

"The Piers (Hudson River)", 1975–1986

Price on Request

"the piers (man in handcuffs)" by alvin baltrop

Alvin Baltrop

"The Piers (man in handcuffs)", 1975–1986

Price on Request

"pier 52 (with gordon matta-clark‘s ‚day‘s end‘ building cut" by alvin baltrop

Alvin Baltrop

"Pier 52 (with Gordon Matta-Clark‘s ‚Day‘s End‘ building cut", 1975–1986

Price on Request

"yellow tv" by tony conrad

Tony Conrad

"Yellow TV", 1973

Price on Request

see title in the description by caleb considine

Caleb Considine

See title in the description, 2017

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"bad kids" by moyra davey

Moyra Davey

"Bad Kids", 2014

Price on Request

“hujar / palermo” by moyra davey

Moyra Davey

“Hujar / Palermo”, 2010

Price on Request

"copperheads no. 1–100, sarah v., portikus", 1990/2017  by moyra davey

Moyra Davey

"Copperheads No. 1–100, Sarah V., Portikus", 1990/2017

Price on Request

digital globe esri earth observation worldview-4 satellite extractor pop display by simon denny

Simon Denny

Digital Globe ESRI Earth observation WorldView-4 satellite Extractor pop display, 2019

Price on Request

"document relief 1 (amazon worker cage patent)" by simon denny

Simon Denny

"Document relief 1 (Amazon Worker Cage patent)", 2019

Price on Request

"centralization vs decentralization hardware display: ibm/zcash/gol the haunted mansion" by simon denny

Simon Denny

"Centralization vs Decentralization hardware display: IBM/zcash/GoL The Haunted Mansion", 2018

Price on Request