Adam Martin: Post-Hardcore

Adam Martin: Post-Hardcore

Neven-DuMont Straße 17 Cologne, 50667, Germany Friday, July 1, 2022–Saturday, September 10, 2022

A poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage/ and then no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing

A Visual Novel or VN is a digital semi-interactive narrative game. The narrative is paced at your own discretion. Use the computer mouse and click anywhere on-screen to advance forward.

You are the POV playing through a collection of vignettes, jumping across different periods of age. Breaking life down into its most raw, painful, and mundane elements. Intensity of experience that results in permanent memories.

The Hard Way
Chapter selection will lead the player to short stories of frustration, confusion, agony, and joy. Stories revolve around ideas of madness. The character is disconnected from reality, indulging in delusional or paranoid fantasies that distort their view of the world.

Scenery is Nothing More than Poetry
Public School or Private School? You must choose which small town High School narrative you wish to experience. Become a voyeur of the awkward, melodramatic experiences that both schools offer in varying ways.

During your play-through you may be confronted with choice buttons. At this moment you will have to make a decision to advance the narrative. It may effect what happens next, so choose wisely, there is no going back.