Catherine Gfeller

(Swiss, born 1966)

les dérangeuses vi by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

Les Dérangeuses VI, 2008–2009

Price on Request

cases mulitcompositions by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

Cases Mulitcompositions, 2000–2005

Price on Request

his car her hair by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

His Car Her Hair, 2000–2007

Price on Request

chimères xxxiii by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

Chimères XXXIII, 2008–2010

Price on Request

elle cherche des fautifs et des coupables by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

Elle cherche des fautifs et des coupables, 2003–2010

Price on Request

lapses i by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

Lapses I, 2007

Price on Request

rambling by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

Rambling, 2007–2011

Price on Request

his car her hair by catherine gfeller

Catherine Gfeller

His Car Her Hair, 2000–2007

Price on Request



1985 - 1991
M.F.A., University of Neuchâtel and Lausanne, Switzerland
Grant from the State and City of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (One-year residency in New York)
Residency, Cité Internationales des Arts, Paris, France
First prize, Fondation CCF for Photography, Fondation of France, Paris
Bourse de la Fondation Bogliasco, séjour Centro Studi Ligure, Italy


Pulsations, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland (solo)
Pulsations, CRAC, Contemporary Art Center, LR, Sète, France (solo)
Tribute to Nadar, French Embassy, Trinité des Monts, Rome, Italy & Museum Marino Marini, Florence, Italy
La revanche de l’Archive, Festival 50 JPG Centre de la Photographie, Geneva
Abbatiale de Bellelay, Switzerland (solo)
Complicités, 60 years of Picto, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Ateliers SNCF, RIP, Arles, France
Pulsations, Museum of Fine Arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland (solo)
Fondation de l’abbatiale de Bellelay, Bellelay, Switzerland (solo)
Les Frayeuses, Rosa Turetsky Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland (solo)
Villes et Elles, 19th Art & Flux NYU, Sorbonne, Paris, France


Arte A New York, Cesare Zucca, FIRMA Magazine, February 2006
Catherine Gfeller: la ville dans l 'objectif, CULTURE L 'HEBDO, September 6, 2006
Catherine Gfeller in der Galerie Carzaniga, Hans-Dieter Fronz, KUNST - BULLETIN, September 2006
Catherine Gfeller, Anne Martens, FLASH ART, October 2003
Dérobades, Bernard Salignon, Exhibtion Catalogue, 2002
Arte Vidéo, Plusieurs Versions d’elle, NOVA MAGAZINE, November 2002
Catherine Gfeller, Claire Moulène, LES INROCKUPTIBLES, November 20-26, 2002
Versions d’elle, Entre l’objectif et le Numérique, Laurent Wolf, LE TEMPS, November 16, 2002
Catherine Gfeller, Serial Visitors, Bernard Comment, Exhibition Catalogue, 2002
Catherine Gfeller et les Mille et une Elle, Annick Benoist, AFP MONDIALES, November 12, 2002