In Animation Paintants, Fabian Marcaccio works to expand the concepts, material, space and temporality of painting in the digital age.
In Animation Paintants, Fabian Marcaccio works to expand the concepts, material, space and temporality of painting in the digital age. The term Paintant — a composite of painting and mutant — gives expression to the transformation the images seem to undergo, specifically in the context of biogenetics and the emergence of new genetic character. The hand-painted and digital animations in the Animation Paintants are dematerialized by their very nature, though a certain bodily wetness still pervades—through goopy, translucent liquids and sticky biomorphs that resemble innards, skin, or open wounds. The work consists of 22 films of various lenghts. It was first presented in the Corner Space of Galerie Thomas Schulte from October 28 to December 3, 2022.