Hauptstraße 114 Cologne, 50996, Germany
Saturday, January 13, 2024–Friday, March 8, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 13, 2024, 7 p.m.–9 p.m.
We mourn the loss of our highly esteemed and endearing artist, the US photographer
Elliott Erwitt
who died peacefully at home surrounded by his family on the night of November 29-30 at the age of 95.
Elliott Erwitt
California Kiss, USA Santa Monica, 1955 / printed later
14,500–18,000 EUR
Elliott Erwitt
Paris, Umbrella jump, 1989 / printed later
9,000–12,000 EUR
Elliott Erwitt
USA, New York City, 1946 / printed later
9,000–12,000 EUR
Elliott Erwitt
Reno, Nevada, Marilyn Monroe at the Set of Misfits, 1960 / printed later
9,000–12,000 EUR
Elliott Erwitt
France, Paris, 1989 / printed later
9,000–12,000 EUR