Thomas Hoepker: Strange Encounters

Thomas Hoepker: Strange Encounters

Hauptstraße 114 Cologne, 50996, Germany Tuesday, January 15, 2019–Wednesday, March 27, 2019 Opening Reception: Saturday, January 12, 2019, 7 p.m.–9 p.m.

"As a photojournalist, working for newspapers and magazines, one is often confronted with the rather bad situations. But soon I discovered that there are also funny or strange encounters there that are worth photographing."(T. Hoepker)   

nyc whitney museum by thomas hoepker

Thomas Hoepker

NYC Whitney Museum, 2016

1,800–3,200 EUR

museum by thomas hoepker

Thomas Hoepker

Museum, 2013

1,800–3,200 EUR

Thomas Hoepker (*1936, Munich) is regarded as one of the most famous reportage photographers in the world. Initially a photo reporter and correspondent for the "stern", he photographed all over the world and, among other things, took pictures of contemporary historical significance. Later he became Art Director at stern, Executive Editor at GEO and President of Magnum Photos. Hoepker thus established himself in some of the most important positions in the international photography scene. Book projects, film productions and countless exhibitions in the world's most important museums and galleries followed.

The exhibition "Strange Encounters" shows bizarre and humorous observations that Thomas Hoepker could make on his travels.  
"As a photojournalist, working for newspapers and magazines, one is often confronted with the rather bad situations. But soon I discovered that there are also funny or strange encounters there that are worth photographing." (T. Hoepker)   

In addition, the in focus gallery in Cologne shows the most famous photographs from Thomas Hoepker's long career.
 Opening hours: Tue to Fri 4 - 7 pm, Sat 11 am - 3 pm and by appointment: 0177 3202913 During carneval time from February 28th up to March 6th gallery is closed.