Fallen from Heaven

Fallen from Heaven

30 Tottenham Street London, W1T 4RJ, United Kingdom Monday, September 21, 2020–Saturday, October 3, 2020 Opening Reception: Monday, September 21, 2020, 1 p.m.–8 p.m.

New Paintings

blue light, homecoming by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Blue Light, Homecoming, 2020

1,400 GBP

green gold mount by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Green Gold Mount, 2020

1,400 GBP

sub tropical morning towards the beach by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Sub Tropical Morning towards the beach, 2019

10,000 GBP

slow drift of quiet water, time passes by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Slow Drift of Quiet Water, Time Passes, 2018

5,500 GBP

the fall by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

The Fall, 2020

5,500 GBP

homecoming, st michael's bay by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Homecoming, St Michael's Bay, 2020

200 GBP

the rising and falling by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

The Rising and Falling, 2020


dawn by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Dawn, 2020

5,500 GBP

an overgrown path by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

An Overgrown Path, 2020

5,500 GBP

tuscan sunrise by gareth edwards

Gareth Edwards

Tuscan Sunrise

5,500 GBP

 ‘Fallen from Heaven’ (from Ted Hughes) is a new collection of landscape paintings made during the lockdown from his studio in St Ives, Cornwall, whilst enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the area. Each of the paintings invites the viewer in to the fictive spaces therein encouraging contemplation and personal connections along a remote trail of memory. The operate much like poems in that they relate to the viewer, with half remembered places and terrains triggering personal associations. And like a poem, these paintings are emotional spaces waiting for the viewer to enter with their own thoughts and dreams. Although many works in this new collection are elegiac in mood and show shades of gentle melancholy, they all, finally, culminate in a subtle light of hope. There are a series of works on board, of St Michael’s Bay, (Marazion), which is a geological haven with constantly changing weather patterns and St Michael’s Mount in the distance. Included in the exhibition is a new digital print, ‘Homecoming, St Michael’s Bay’, produced to celebrate Gareth’s 60th birthday at the end of March, available at a special exhibition price of £200.00. 

Although the exhibition will be open, numbers will be controlled with all Covid regulations in place. For further information or images, please contact Jill George. Email [email protected] Mobile 07973 825335. Open: Monday - Saturday 11.00 - 7.00 Sunday, 27 September 11.00 - 6.00 Nearest Underground: Goodge Street, Tottenham Court Road, Warren Street