Never really gone.

Never really gone.

1208 O Street Lincoln, NE 68508, USA Friday, October 30, 2020–Saturday, November 28, 2020 Opening Reception: Friday, October 30, 2020

Nebraska has a melancholy landscape. It is harsh, yet gentle. I find wholeness in it. When I look at the landscape, I have a feeling that we are never really gone. I am a wanderer into the endless horizon line. Always looking. 

7 of 100 by chad m. olsen

Chad M. Olsen

7 of 100, 2013

250 USD

black oil study by chad m. olsen

Chad M. Olsen

Black Oil Study, 2012

250 USD

33 of 100 by chad m. olsen

Chad M. Olsen

33 of 100, 2014

250 USD

25 of 100 by chad m. olsen

Chad M. Olsen

25 of 100, 2013

250 USD

A solo exhibition by Chad M. Olsen. Highlighting paintings on dura-lar film, and oils on canvas, Chad is utilizing his technique of minimalist abstract landscapes in his contemporary showing of Midwestern horizon lines. 

Nebraska has a melancholy landscape. It is harsh, yet gentle. I find wholeness in it. When I look at the landscape, I have a feeling that we are never really gone. I am a wanderer into the endless horizon line. Always looking. Always searching. – Chad M. Olsen