Sebastian Utzni: 17.71% Confetti

Sebastian Utzni: 17.71% Confetti

Limmatstraße 214 Zurich, 8005, Switzerland Saturday, August 31, 2019–Saturday, October 5, 2019 Opening Reception: Friday, August 30, 2019, 6 p.m.–9 p.m.

prediction painting according to a german museum director (hans holbein the younger, henry brandon, 2nd duke of suffolk, ø 6 cm, 1540-42) by sebastian utzni

Sebastian Utzni

Prediction Painting according to a German museum director (Hans Holbein the Younger, Henry Brandon, 2nd Duke of Suffolk, Ø 6 cm, 1540-42), 2019

9,000 EUR

prediction painting according to an art advisor (njideka akunyili crosby, “the beautyful ones” series #2, 155x106 cm, 2013) by sebastian utzni

Sebastian Utzni

Prediction Painting according to an Art Advisor (Njideka Akunyili Crosby, “The Beautyful Ones” Series #2, 155x106 cm, 2013)


prediction painting according to a swiss museum director (claude monet, saule pleureur et bassin aux nymphéas, 199x180 cm, 1916-1919) by sebastian utzni

Sebastian Utzni

Prediction Painting according to a Swiss museum director (Claude Monet, Saule pleureur et bassin aux nymphéas, 199x180 cm, 1916-1919), 2019

9,000 EUR

prediction painting according to a düsseldorf gallerist (jean- michel basquiat, egg, 152x102 cm, 1984) by sebastian utzni

Sebastian Utzni

Prediction Painting according to a Düsseldorf gallerist (Jean- Michel Basquiat, Egg, 152x102 cm, 1984), 2019


Limmatstraße 214
Zurich, 8005, Switzerland