Ronald Leax: Flatworks

Ronald Leax: Flatworks

Saint Louis, MO, USA Friday, November 6, 2009–Saturday, December 19, 2009

From 1978 to the present Ronald Leax’s main focus has been sculpture, and yet, beginning with his Ernstian collages of 1978 and going through his taxo-nomic drawings of 2008, Leax has created an altogether different body of work. Flatworks will be on view at the Philip Slein Gallery starting on November 6th.

Yet as different as these works are, there remains the continuity of a three decade course of inquiry that investigates the natural world referencing the 18th century model of the artist as naturalist.

It has often been noted that works on paper seem to hold an immediacy and vibrancy of an artist’s investigations that other, more considered forms often lack. This revelatory survey is a rare opportunity to consider Ronald Leax’s work over the past three decades in forms that bring his thinking and relation to the natural world into a new and revealing context.

The show is accompanied by a catalog with essays by Michael Byron and D.B. Dowd