Robischon Gallery presents “The Lotus Series,” the final print series from the singular American artist Robert Rauschenberg. Created just prior to his death in 2008 in collaboration with master printer Bill Goldston of Universal Limited Art Editions, “The Lotus Series” pigment prints reference the artist’s trips taken to China in 1982 and 1985. Rauschenberg discovered time-honored materials at the ancient Xuan Paper Mill in Jingxian which inspired seventy unique collage and paper works based on Japanese symbols. Further inspiration prompted the artist to organize an exhibition, the “Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange” (ROIC), that served as a world-wide artistic and cultural exchange to enhance cross-cultural understanding. The ROIC, exhibition at the National Museum in Beijing, proved inspirational for not only the artist, but was pivotal for the emerging Chinese contemporary art movement which was only just beginning to embrace the idea of contemporary art and its radical, new art forms. The artist’s photographs from China became the foundation for “The Lotus Series” over two decades later.